►to band history
Max Grützmacher - founding member of Golem - bassist

Max Grützmacher †


bass: 1989-1992

Max was the main initiator of our band. Beside playing bass he did most of the promotion, underground work, arranged gigs and got us the logo by Christophe Szpajdel (e.g. the Emperor-logo).

He and 2 friends of ours (Tabitha Wittchow and Stefan Michaelis) died in a car crash near Frankfurt/Oder.

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Michael Marschalk - founding member of Golem - drummer

Michael Marschalk


drums: 1989-1992 and 1993-1999

It's a pity to hear that he finally retired from playing drums. Over the years he  developed some amazing skills and unmistakably added a very personal note to the music of Golem.

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Jens Malwitz - former guitarist of Golem

Jens Malwitz †


guitars: 1992-1993

From the beginnings of Golem Jens supported our band with a lot of helpful musical advice. After the split of his own band he joined Golem as 2nd guitarist.

The tragedy continued when he died in cause of a crash with his motorbike less than a year after the death of Max.

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Ruben Wittchow - former drummer of Golem

Ruben Wittchow


drums: 1992-1993

Ruben is a very good friend since childhood and a very talented drummer too. When we had to continue without Michael he helped out on the "Recall..."-demotape and at several concerts. Later he shared this position for a while with Michael after the original drummers return in 1993.   

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Rico Soiller - former bassist and guitarist of Golem

Rico Spiller
►Fermenting Innards


bass and guitar: 1993-1996

Already playing in Fermenting Innards (R.I.P.) Rico joined us in 1993 and a short time later I became a 2nd guitarist in his band as well. Two F.I.-Outputs where recorded during this co-operation and a lot of gigs were featuring both acts.